Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs quits from Apple due to health problems

Apple's founder and CEO Steve Jobs has announced his inability to support the position of the chief Officer and as a result quitted from the leadership of Apple.

According to Steve Jobs himself, the day has come for him to announce that he no longer is able to respond to his duties as the chairman of Apple. Jobs has suffered from liver cancer and undergone a liver transplant two years ago. Although Apple has not specified details regarding his illnes, rumor has it that his medical problems are back, becoming the main cause for him quitting his position.

The sure thing is that Apple loses its founder, its man who's ideas gave a special ID to the company and placed the corporation where it stands nowadays.

The successor in Apple's CEO position is Tim Cook, Steve Jobs' 'right hand' in the company. He is now in front of the challenge of his lifetime proving that he is capable of dealing with the issues of the corporation in order not only to retain Apple's status but even enlarge it. A matter quite difficult since Apple 's value on May reached the staggering amount of 153 billion dollars (Apple posseses the first place in company value, with Google second and valued 111 billion dollars).

End of an era for sure...

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